And it’s only getting warmer …

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By admin

Trump is said to hate journalists.

No, he hates those who do their job, so those who check and inform instead of flattering him.

He therefore has a particular loathing for the Washington post, who compiled all the falsehoods and tricks in his inaugural speech on Thursday.


The United States, Trump says, has tested more for COVID-19 than all countries in Europe combined.

Misleading. What matters is the number of tests as a percentage of your population, since this is how you can get a relatively accurate picture of the situation in your country.

The United States, he says, has one of the lowest death rates among major countries.

False. With 3.1% of deaths among those infected, they are 11th among the 20 most affected countries.

Trump says he has done more for the African American community than any other president since Abraham Lincoln.

Should we answer that?

Democrats, he says, spied on me in 2016 and got caught.

False. Obama was worried that retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, deeply involved in Trump’s campaign, could give Russia sensitive information.

Appointed Trump’s national security adviser, Flynn resigns after 24 days … for not telling the whole truth about his dealings with Russia.

Biden, Trump says, was silent as rioters ransacked everything after Floyd and Blake died at the hands of police.

False. Biden said he could understand anger, but it didn’t justify violence.

Biden, Trump says, wants to define the police.

False. He wants the funding to be accompanied by a reexamination of his ways of doing things.

“No one,” he said, “will be safe in Biden’s America.” No one ? Seriously…

Biden, Trump says, wants to dismantle the wall on the border with Mexico.

False. It would keep the existing sections, but not extend it.

Biden, Trump says, wants to halt oil and gas production in states where these industries are crucial.

False. It aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions spread over decades.

Biden, Trump says, voted for the war in Iraq.

True, but Trump supported him too, except he didn’t have to vote since he wasn’t an elected official.

Trump says he introduced the biggest tax cuts in American history.

False, they are equivalent to 0.9% of US GDP. Ronald Reagan’s 1981 tax cut alone amounted to 2.9% of GDP.

Lies, lies, lies.


And all of this is said in the gardens of the White House, therefore using a public institution for partisan activity.

And that’s not to mention the refusal to disclose his taxes, the 25 women (at the last count) who accuse him of sexual misconduct, the use of the presidency to promote family affairs, etc.

And there are still millions to support it.

Words end up failing us.

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