An asteroid will pass near Earth on the eve of the US election

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By admin

Some would say that the year 2020 could not be worse … and yet!

In addition to having to contend with a COVID-19 pandemic, a US-China trade war, an unprecedented economic crisis … another “danger” is drawing attention.

• Read also: A (small) asteroid (again) grazed Earth on Sunday

An asteroid is heading straight for Earth and is expected to pass very close to our planet, just one day before the US presidential election.

The celestial object also known as 2018VP1 is expected to approach us on November 2, according to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory Center for Near Earth Objects.

Its diameter is 0.002 km (2 meters), or 6.5 feet, according to information from NASA. It was first observed at the Palomar Observatory in California in 2018.

NASA has established three probable locations where an impact could occur. However, according to several observations, the federal agency has determined that the asteroid should not hit us directly.

The risks of a direct impact on Earth are in the order of 0.41%, the data indicates.

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