A tree in Ufa fell on passers-by

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As a result of a squally wind in Ufa, two people were injured as a result of a falling tree. About this on Saturday, August 8, writes “RIA Novosti” with reference to the press service of the regional GU EMERCOM of Russia.

“… A case of injuries of two people was recorded: young people born in 1996 and 1997 were hit by a tree when they fell. Now the victims are in a hospital, ”the message says.

Also, the department noted that a sharp deterioration in weather conditions in Ufa in the Kalininsky district led to emergency situations on the power supply networks. Consumers of 15 apartment buildings and over 100 houses of the private sector have lost electricity. Emergency repair work is currently underway.

As reported on the website of the city administration, utilities in an enhanced mode eliminate the consequences of wind and heavy rainfall. sawing and removing fallen trees, checking the condition of the roof of buildings. In total, 145 people and 71 pieces of equipment were involved in eliminating the consequences of the squally wind and downpour.

It is indicated that over the past day in Ufa, 28 cases of falling trees were recorded in Ordzhonikidzevsky, Kalininsky, Oktyabrsky and Sovetsky districts. 11 cars, 11 sections of power lines were damaged.

On August 5, it was reported that gusts of wind in Samara knocked down over three dozen trees and damaged more than 20 cars.

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