A program for early diagnosis of oncological diseases will be launched in Moscow

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On July 30, a special free screening program for early diagnosis of the most common types of oncology starts in Moscow. This was announced on July 29 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Anastasia Rakova.

“The most important thing for the successful treatment of cancer is early detection of pathologies. Given the deferred demand for screening programs that has developed during the pandemic, it is especially important to provide citizens with an accessible and convenient opportunity to undergo tests. That is why we are launching a special program for free diagnostics of the most common types of oncology. We urge Muscovites to undergo an initial examination – from tomorrow it can be done on the basis of 66 city polyclinics, ”she said.

As part of the program, women from 18 to 39 years old will be able to undergo CVI of the mammary glands, women from 40 years old and older – mammography. Also, women over 18 years old will be offered to take a smear for oncocytology to detect diseases of the cervix. Men over the age of 45 will be offered a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test. Women and men 40 years and older are invited to undergo a fecal occult blood test.

Residents of the capital with a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy can become program participants. In order to pass the examination, you must make an appointment by calling the clinic to which the person is attached or next to which he lives. The number of the medical institution can be viewed on the website of the Moscow Department of Health. When visiting a polyclinic, you must have your passport and compulsory medical insurance policy with you.

You can find out the results in the electronic medical record on mos.ru and in the UMIAS.INFO application. If there is a need for additional research, the doctor will contact you and send you for further diagnostics.

This is not the first time the campaign for the early diagnosis of cancer has been held in Moscow. In February of this year, more than 67 thousand people were examined, of which 1.5 thousand were sent for additional examinations and consultations and, when necessary, for further treatment. Screening programs help identify the disease at an early stage and begin treatment when it is most effective.

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