A pipe crossing is being built near Ryazan across the Moshenka River

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In the village of Zhelchino, Rybnovsky District, a road is being repaired with a pipe crossing over the Moshenka River. Writes about this publishing house “Press”.

The old pipe could not cope with the flow of water in the autumn-spring period. The river washed away the entrance to the village. Local residents complained about the “terrible track and mud.”

So, the main part of the work has already been completed – they poured the subgrade under the masonry, laid a 2×2 meter pipe, waterproofed it, and closed the seams. According to the chief engineer of the contracting company, all that remains is to fill in the subgrade to the design marks, then sand, gravel and lay 170 meters of asphalt.

The cost of the construction project is 5.7 million rubles. The object is planned to be commissioned in early September.

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