A new toll bridge across the Oka is planned to be built in Nizhny Novgorod

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In Nizhny Novgorod, they want to build a new toll bridge across the Oka. Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin shared these plans with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who on November 26 made a working visit to the city of Sarov in the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

According to the website of the regional government, at the meeting Gleb Nikitin presented to Vladimir Putin the program for the comprehensive development of Nizhny Novgorod and spoke about the low rates of housing construction. To raise them, it is necessary to develop new territories, the governor said.

“The Novinki-Olgino area is potentially 115 thousand new residents and 3.4 million square meters. m of housing. But in order to build them, we need an additional 32 kindergartens, 10 schools and 14 km of a new highway (a backup of Gagarin Avenue), ”Nikitin said and added that for the full development of the territory, it is necessary to build a new bridge across the Oka.

The bridge will connect two very densely populated areas – Avtozavodsky and Prioksky; it will be possible to build it through a concession. At the same time, it is proposed to make the move paid, which will allow the return of the funds invested in the project, writes IA NewsNN.

The President noted that making the bridge toll is possible only if there is an alternative road, to which the head of the region spoke about the crossing, which is available up the river.

During the meeting, Nikitin also reported on the epidemiological situation in the region and on how the authorities are fighting the coronavirus pandemic. According to him, 7482 medical beds have been deployed in the region, of which 80% are occupied. At the same time, the governor stressed that at any time, an additional 1,000 beds can be deployed. All of them are equipped with oxygen and ventilators.

On November 26, Vladimir Putin arrived in Sarov on a working visit. On the same day, the Russian leader got acquainted with the digital products of the state corporation Rosatom, as well as with the simulation system for the Armed Forces, created by domestic scientists. The development allows evaluating, among other things, the effectiveness of weapons in combat conditions.

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