A neighbor spoke about a suspect in stealing $ 1 million from the building of the Russian Foreign Ministry

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Muscovite Valery Vukolov spoke about a woman suspected of stealing more than $ 1 million from the main building of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This was announced on Thursday, December 24, by the REN TV channel.

Vukolov is a neighbor at the dacha of Natalia Agaltsova, a leading expert-expert of the Monetary and Financial Department (WFD) of the Russian Foreign Ministry, who is suspected of stealing. According to journalists, the woman, together with her roommate, gave Vukolov a box for safekeeping, in which a safe with more than $ 148 thousand was later found. The woman claimed that this was her personal savings.

“I didn’t ask much, they drove up and asked:“ Can I leave with you? ” I say: “Well, leave it.” I had a few days, ”Vukolov said.

He noted that he was not interested in the contents of the box, and after it was taken away by law enforcement officers, who did not open it in front of him.

The man also said that Agaltsova and her roommate have been together for a long time. They, he said, did not complain about any problems and did not talk about moving.

“They have a very good relationship. They never had any problems with each other. They live like everyone else, ”added Vukolov.

The theft of more than $ 1 million occurred last year. This money was received by the Foreign Ministry in cash for consular services from Iran and delivered to Moscow by diplomatic mail. On November 29, 2019, the funds were deposited into Agaltsova’s office. It is noted that two thirds of the amount disappeared between December 16 and 19. On December 19, the woman did not show up at work. On this day, the collection was to take place. After the audit, a large shortfall was revealed: 20,065,462 rubles 15 kopecks and 745,735 dollars and 22 cents (at the exchange rate as of 12/20/2019 – 46,629,541). The total damage is estimated at $ 1,066,638. The woman herself denies any involvement in the disappearance of the money. Natalya assured that she found $ 1 banknotes instead of $ 100 bills in a box brought from Iran. A criminal case was initiated.

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