A young father attacked a five-year-old child, who did not share a toy with his son, at one of the playgrounds located in the Moscow region of Cheryomushki. This information is reported on Friday, August 28, by the TV channel “360” with reference to a source in law enforcement agencies.
It is reported that the injured boy took the toy away from his weatherman, the man’s son, and threw it aside. The parent decided to teach the kid a lesson by twisting his arms and dragging him along the ground. After that, the “teacher” left the playground.
The mother of the injured child, according to the TV channel, reported the incident to the police. Law enforcers began to check the incident.
The day before, in Podolsk near Moscow, an ATV driver opened fire on children in the playground in the courtyard of a residential building. The incident got into the lens of a security camera. It is unknown whether anyone was hurt as a result of the incident.