75 thousand sterlets released into Oka

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By admin

75 thousand sterlet fry were released into the Oka River within Kaluga. This was reported on Thursday, August 6 by the press service of the regional Ministry of Natural Resources.

“The release was made in Oka within the Kaluga area as part of compensation measures for damage to fish stocks during work on the road network. 75 thousand sterlet pieces with an average weight of 2.5 grams were produced,” the press service said.

The next release of juveniles of the Oka sterlet was carried out with the participation of representatives of the Department for State Control, Supervision and Protection of Aquatic Biological Resources in the Kaluga Region.

Kaluga reservoirs are stocked with fish not for the first time. During the current year, more than 600 thousand fry were released into the reservoirs. Carp, silver carp, grass carp, trout, crucian carp, pike are produced.

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