6 sewage treatment plants will start working on the Volga

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The head of the region inspected the construction progress of local treatment facilities at the outlets to the Volga in the Central and Voroshilovsky districts of Volgograd. Six modern collectors will start operating this year.

Working trips and meetings, numerous meetings, personal control over the implementation of national and priority regional projects – all this occupies a special place in the governor’s tight schedule.

One of the acute problems of the millionth Volgograd is the lack of a system for purifying polluted waters. Oddly enough, but the town-planning plan of the city on the Volga never provided for this. Even with the restoration of Stalingrad, destroyed by the war, they did not think to build such structures. As a result, melted snow, along with mud and rain streams, for decades went directly from stormwaters into the majestic Russian river.

But the problem will be solved soon. This is facilitated by the participation of the Volgograd region in the national project “Ecology” – the region’s proposals have become part of the federal project “Rehabilitation of the Volga”.

The construction of treatment facilities at 14 outlets to the Volga started last year. Six collectors will be commissioned already in 2020, the construction of the rest will be completed in 2021. The project cost is over 1 billion rubles.

– In 2017, we stopped the discharge of untreated sewage water into the Volga. Today, the same challenge is faced with regard to untreated wastewater, – said the governor during a working trip to the construction site. – All work is on schedule. At the moment, 100% of untreated storm water is discharged from 68 outlet headers, but thanks to 14 VOCs, 70% of this volume will begin to flow into the Volga already purified.

Andrei Bocharov also said that the next stage, which will follow after 2021, will cover the remaining 30% and this will completely close the issue of the treatment system of the regional center.

– The large-scale environmental project, which is now being implemented in Volgograd, is unique, – stressed the head of the region. – We have everything for its successful implementation, within the framework of the national project “Ecology” and the national project for the rehabilitation of the Volga, funds are provided in full. And today we do not see any serious problems in the implementation of the program. At the same time, we are aware of the complexity of the object, because no one has ever done anything like this in the country.

The foundation for the implementation of such a complex technological project has been laid over a number of years – in 2014–2018. It was then that the modernization of the communal system was going on in Volgograd, the discharges of untreated wastewater were reduced.

The mechanism of public-private partnership helped to renovate the main sewage pumping station of the city, build the main Razgulyaevsky collector, an underwater siphon, and reconstruct the backup power supply of the Aeration Station sewage treatment plant on Golodny Island. Also, kilometers of engineering networks were updated.

Of course, an established dialogue with the federal center, its support and attention helps the region to lay the foundation for development for decades to come. Infrastructure is effectively developing on the territory of the Volgograd Region, order is being established in housing and communal services, and life support systems are being modernized.

Recall that the proposal of Governor Andrei Bocharov to implement a pilot state program for the modernization of communal systems in Volgograd during a recent working trip was supported by the Minister of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation Vladimir Yakushev. After development, the program will be included in the national project, the successful experience will be disseminated to other cities of the country.

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