Troubleshooting Hacks to Fix Linksys Red Light Issue

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The status of LED lights on a Linksys WiFi device determines its performance. If the LED light on Linksys device is glowing red, then it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Well, it is the most common issue faced by Linksys users. If you are also troubled by the same issue, then, you need not worry because here, we have jotted down various troubleshooting hacks that will help you in resolving the issue with ease. Continue reading.

Tips and Tricks to Fix Linksys Red Light Issue

  1. Check the Power Outlet

You might be struggling with the Linksys red light issue if the power outlet to which you have connected your WiFi device is damaged. In that case, we recommend you plug your Linksys router into another power outlet. Thereafter, switch it on to see if the LED light is still glowing red. If yes, then without any delay, look at the next troubleshooting hack.

Note: If your area suffers a power outage, then you can also use a UPS to power up your Linksys WiFi router.

  1. Connect Your WiFi Devices Properly

An improper connection between your Linksys router and modem can also be one of the reasons that might have forced you to face the red light issue.. If you have connected your devices using a wireless source, use an Ethernet cable. It will facilitate a smooth communication between them.

If your WiFi devices are already connected with the help of an Ethernet cable, then check whether it is non-damaged or not. If it is not, replace it with a new one and make a finger-tight connection between your WiFi devices.

  1. Update the Firmware

The firmware of your Linksys device has a direct connection with the hardware. So, if your Linksys WiFi device is operating on an outdated firmware, it can also lead you to the red light issue. In order to get the issue fixed, update your Linksys device as soon as possible.

Given below are the instructions to update the firmware of your Linksys smart WiFi router:

  • Turn on your Linksys smart WiFi router and connect it to the existing modem using an Ethernet cable.
  • Open a web browser and access the Linksys router login page by typing the default IP address into the address bar.
  • As soon as you reach the router’s web interface, click the Basic tab.
  • Click Firmware Update.
  • Click the Check for Updates option and let your Linksys router detect if any new firmware is available.
  • If any firmware update is available, follow the on-screen prompts and complete the Linksys router firmware update process.

In this way, you can update the firmware of your Linksys smart WiFi router.

Note: If you own an extender too, you can update its firmware by accessing the Linksys extender setup wizard.

  1. Change the Location of Linksys Device

The bad placement of your Linksys device can also be one of the reasons that might have led you to the red light issue. Perhaps, you’ve placed your Linksys device under a table or inside a cupboard. So, relocate your Linksys device and place it in a well-ventilated room.

In addition, make sure not to place your Linksys WiFi device near mirrors, fish tanks, refrigerators, televisions, treadmills, microwave ovens, baby monitors, Bluetooth speakers, etc. Such things can create a hindrance in the path of your Linksys device’s WiFi signals.

  1. Reset Your Linksys Device

Followed all the aforementioned hacks but still no luck? Looks like your Linksys device is not configured properly. So, you need to reconfigure your Linksys device. But, before you do that, restore your Linksys device to factory default settings.

It can be done by pressing the Reset button on the Linksys device using a sharp object. As soon as the device resets, perform Linksys router setup from scratch.

Summing Up

This was all about how to fix the Linksys red light issue. We hope that by following the aforementioned hacks, you will be able to resolve the issue with ease and your Linksys device will return to its normal state.