Zelensky called ceasefire in Donbass “not bad result”

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called the observance of the ceasefire in Donbass, in which there were no combat losses in 31 days, a “good result” of the negotiation process. He stated this during a working trip to the Kirovograd region on Thursday, August 27.

“For 31 days there are no combat wounds, no fatalities at the front. It seems to me that this is a good result. We also returned about 150 people, “RIA Novosti quotes the Ukrainian leader.

Zelensky added that all this became possible, “thanks to dialogue, meetings, hours of talks, negotiations with many leaders of different countries and, I think, a little thanks to me.”

The President of Ukraine also noted the resumption of the “Normandy” and “Minsk” negotiation formats and the intensification of the work of the Contact Group on the settlement in Donbass.

At the talks of the contact group on Donbass in the Minsk format on July 22, the parties agreed on additional measures to “support and observe the current indefinite ceasefire for the entire period until a complete comprehensive settlement of the conflict.” On July 27, the new parameters of a complete ceasefire came into force, and Ukraine was headed by the first president of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, in the trilateral contact group on settlement.

Since 2014, Kiev has been conducting a military operation against Donbass, whose residents refused to recognize the results of the coup and the new government in Kiev. The settlement issues are being discussed in the Minsk format and at the meetings of the Normandy Four.

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