Zavorotnyuk contacted Malakhov amid a serious illness

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TV presenter Andrei Malakhov said on the air “Hello, Andrei” that the actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk got in touch with him. Malakhov invited Nikolai Baskov to the studio, to whom the release of the program was dedicated, and said that Zavorotnyuk wanted to congratulate the artist. “I know that you communicate and are friends,” said Malakhov.

Baskov said that he was very happy with such a manifestation of care. The singer recalled that he was shocked when he learned about what happened to Zavorotnyuk. Then he recorded several videos with words of support. If you fight the disease, set a specific goal, then miracles happen, reads Basque.

Basque also shared a personal story. The singer assures that he understands Zavorotnyuk, since at one time he went through something similar with a person close to him. We are talking about Baskov’s father, who had been ill with a serious illness for several years and died last year.

Basque also spoke about his career in the stage. He started with opera, but then he met Igor Krutoy, who wrote several songs for him. When Alla Pugacheva found out about this, she told Baskov that he was “starting off abruptly.” Soon Baskov performed on stage with Sharmanka. The prima donna convinced the singer that he needed something “less mournful”. He agreed to become “more groovy.”

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