Zakharova announced the lack of proof of the guilt of the “Wagnerites”

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Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters on Thursday that there is no evidence of the guilt of Russians detained in a boarding house near Minsk.

“We repeat once again. The guilt of the citizens detained in Belarus has not been proven by anything,” Zakharova said, adding that all those detained must return to Russia.

Earlier it was reported about the detention of 33 men in the “Belorusochka” boarding house, whom the Belarusian authorities called fighters of the PMC “Wagner”, who arrived to destabilize the situation. A number of the detainees had both Russian and Ukrainian passports. Kiev is negotiating with Minsk on the extradition of 28 people suspected of participating in the conflict in Donbass. Moscow named the detainees as employees of the private security company, who flew in transit through Belarus to another country to guard energy facilities.

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