Yulia Volkova told how, after being beaten by her boyfriend, doctors collected her face

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Singer Yulia Volkova, a member of the scandalous duet Tatu, said that she could not recover from the trauma inflicted on her by her ex-boyfriend. On the air of the TV program “Let them talk”, the singer admitted that she had been abused by her lover. This relationship lasted four years. But over time, the man turned into a tyrant. Julia began to notice first restrictions in small things, but then in serious and important things. “He insisted that I live in Turkey, and discouraged all my friends from me. I missed Moscow, the stage. Once I decided to return to Russia, ”the artist recalls.

This coincided with the relapse of her cancer. The man let go. Six months later, having undergone surgery, the singer returned to Turkey, where the ex-lover attacked her right on the street.

“I was covered in blood. The doctors later said that another half a millimeter, and he could have hit my temple, and this is certain death. I could not speak, open my mouth. I guess he didn’t want to kill me. His aim was the face, because he knew that I was an artist, that I had to perform, ”Volkova said.

She said that for a month and a half she could only eat through a straw, 4 plates and 16 bolts were inserted into her face.

The man still calls Volkova and threatens

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