Women’s opposition march ends in Minsk

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By admin

The protest action “Women’s March” in support of victims of violent dispersal of rallies and against the results of the presidential elections in Belarus ended on Independence Avenue in Minsk on Saturday evening, August 29.

The protesters marched from Victory Square past Komarovsky market towards Nemiga Street and further to Bangalore Square. The march ended near the metro station “Academy of Sciences”.

The action in Minsk began on Saturday at about 15:30, women with white-red-white flags, posters and flowers began to gather at Victory Square on Independence Avenue. Then they moved towards Oktyabrskaya Square, but they were pushed aside by OMON and then the protesters went in the opposite direction – they moved to Yakub Kolas Square. Then the protesters marched along Independence Avenue. According to experts, the protesters walked about 15-20 km through the streets of Minsk, Interfax writes.

There were no mass arrests during the action. The security forces carried out several pinpoint arrests.

Since August 9, protests have not stopped in Belarus. On that day, presidential elections were held. According to the Central Election Commission, the incumbent head of state Alexander Lukashenko won over 80% of the vote. Citizens who disagreed with this result began to take to the streets. They faced opposition from security officials. There were casualties on both sides, and several civilians were killed. Later, the meetings began to be peaceful.

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