While Kyrgyzstan is being robbed by looters, President Jeenbekov congratulates Putin

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After the elections with numerous violations in the parliament of the new convocation turned out to be the leaders, only the pro-government parties of Kyrgyzstan took part in rallies, riots broke out and during the night the White House was captured. There is lawlessness in the country, they rob at night, the police are inactive, and the city is trying to protect the people’s militia.

The president distanced himself from everything that was happening, but found time to congratulate Vladimir Putin on his birthday.

“The Kyrgyz Republic highly appreciates your great contribution and constant attention to the consistent expansion and development of Kyrgyz-Russian multifaceted relations.

Kyrgyzstan has always been and remains a reliable and stable ally and partner of Russia on the basis of centuries-old bonds of friendship, mutual understanding and support between our peoples, ”the congratulatory telegram says.

Sooronbai Jeenbekov wished Vladimir Putin good health, prosperity and continued success in his responsible government post for the good of Russia, and peace and prosperity to the entire multinational people of Russia.

It should be noted that at the moment a new rally of young people is taking place in the central square of Bishkek, which demand lustration, impeachment of the president and the exclusion of former politicians from power. And the current president is needed by his people more than ever, but he is neither seen nor heard.

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