The editorial office of MK-Germany received a letter from a reader. “My son was born and I want to apply for maternity capital. Do I understand correctly that if my second child is born, then the maternity capital will not be entitled to me? Is it true that it is issued only once? “
We asked an MK Services employee to answer a reader’s question.
– First of all, it is worth clarifying whether the mother who wants to submit an application for the payment of maternity capital to the Pension Fund of Russia is a Russian woman. After all, only Russian citizens can receive this state financial support. It is also necessary to obtain Russian citizenship for the child born.
Otherwise, you understand everything correctly. Maternity capital is paid only once. Until 2020, it could be issued only for the second, third, etc. children (but only once!). Since January 2020, you can apply for this payment for the first child, but you will not be entitled to a payment for the second child, since you have already received your help from the state.
In 2020, assistance for the first child is 466 617 rubles, for the second (third, fourth …) 616 617 rubles.
Let me remind you that this amount can be spent only by wire transfers to educate the child, improve his living conditions in Russia. All cashing operations of these funds are illegal. We will tell you about what documents are required to register maternity capital and help you prepare a package of documents. Call our multichannel phone 069 99 99 80 96.
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