Spending money is a necessity if you want to see your savings grow. For a company, this is especially true. Additional capital can benefit a company’s expansion if other aspects of the business are well-managed. However, it is critical to obtain and utilize money promptly and efficiently.
A business loan OCBC is a common method of raising capital for your company. Additionally, a loan can provide more money for an established business because you can use it more effectively than a shareholder’s equity. You benefit from the difference between the interest you pay on the borrowings and the rate of return you earn.
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When Should a Small Business Owner Apply For a Loan?
You can take out a loan to pay for your company’s operations in certain circumstances. You can get a business loan if you’re in one of the following situations:
- There is a good business strategy.
- You can see how the money is moving.
- An investor’s net return exceeds the cost of borrowing money.
A Business Loan Is Useful In The Following Scenarios:
Creating a New Company from the Ground Up
Taking out a business loan while starting a new company is a common occurrence. Good project reports should be based on the likelihood of making good returns. The lender wants to make sure that the loan amount is repaid. Your project report should include a projection of the business’s potential earnings. Business loans can help new entrepreneurs get their ideas off the ground.
Expanding Small Business Operations
To grow the business, you’d need a lot of money. For new operations, debt financing may be a good option because the cost of debt is less than the cost of equity. Your company may need money to increase production, open a new division, launch a new product and expand into new markets/areas, among other things.
Creating a Working Capital Funding Plan
Operations should continue despite a lack of funds. Borrowing money to cover day-to-day expenses like wages, utility bills, raw materials, and supplies may be necessary. You could keep up the regularity of your company’s operations if you funded these activities.
Investing in Equipment and Machinery
Having a steady supply of a high-demand product or service is essential. Your supply will be increased if you take out a loan to improve your production infrastructure. Adding more machines and equipment may necessitate an increase in capital expenditures. You can introduce new technology or automate your processes to meet the demand.
Repayment of Existing Debts
If you are worried about repaying many small loans, you should take out an OCBC business loan and pay off smaller debts. You may be able to avoid dealing with multiple parties if you consolidate several small debtors into a single account.
Controlling the Flow of Credit
Small businesses have a difficult time keeping track of their cash flow. Small businesses may need to take out loans if they can’t meet the liquidity requirements for a working capital like rent, inventory management costs, and utility bills.