VOOPiK is late – the building of the former Kostroma railway station has already been bought by investors

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By admin

The fate of the building of the former Kostroma railway station was suddenly decided the other day. The first, still wooden railway station was built in our city at the end of the 19th century – and since then it has managed to visit both a club and a residential building … until 5 years ago it was declared emergency and mothballed.

The city authorities several times tried to sell the former station to at least someone – but there were no people willing to buy it until the volunteers from Kostroma undertook to put things in order in it.

And then the interest in the previously illiquid building sharply erupted at once among 6 potential investors – and at the next auction (starting with an amount of 1 ruble), the station went into the ownership of the company STROY-KA LLC, which paid as much as 100,000 rubles for the architecture monument ( conservation, which, we recall, cost half a million 5 years ago). At the same time, however, the buyer undertook to put the building in order within 7 years after the purchase.

And everything would be fine, if not for one circumstance – now an interesting document is circulating on the social networks of Kostroma – an appeal to the city and regional authorities with a request to transfer the building of the former station to the jurisdiction of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (VOOPiK)

This call was late – the document was dated November 25, while the auction for the sale of the station building took place on the 24th.

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