Volgograd residents learned how to teach a child to clean

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How to bring up in children the ability to clean up after themselves and maintain order, read our material.

First of all, you can start cleaning together with children of different ages. It is important to indicate the “start” time. Toddlers should also be involved in work, even if they need to be corrected later. The task should be selected according to the strength of the children, writes Volgogradskaya Pravda.ru.

If you just silently clean up after all family members, then this work will be taken for granted, especially children.

Cleaning can be organized in a playful way, and you can also come up with a fun motivation for cleaning up. For example, the process can take place with music, and after cleaning, reward the child with a treat.

It is important not to compare your child with other children, in matters of cleanliness too.

And finally, you need to remember about personal example. Your assistant also needs to be praised in order to motivate them to new business.

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