Volgograd residents are ready to return to Moscow time

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This week it became known that the region may return to the UTC +3 time zone in December. According to Moscow time, Volgograd residents lived until October 2018. Discussions began again on the Internet sites. Many in social networks and on forums say that they could not get used to the local time.

Recently, the Volgograd parliamentarians sent to the State Duma a resolution on amendments to the law “On the calculation of time.” Now the decision of the State Duma deputies will determine how long the region will live.

Volgograd residents greeted the news of a possible return to Moscow time violently. Residents were divided into those who would be happy to live according to Moscow time, and those who prefer the local time zone.

Supporters of the Volgograd time are interested in why it is so important for many to return the Moscow time, to which they rightly answer:

– First of all for health. An hour was stolen from us, in the morning instead of six, we get up now at five. It was Moscow and let it be.

– Urgent Moscow time! It will be brighter for children to go to school.

– Common sense, hurray! Since the eighteenth year, people in Moscow time, – writes one of the Volgograd residents on the social network.

Some users said that these two years local time were not easy for them. The residents were exhausted by the early rise, there was no longer any strength left for the evening leisure.

Volgograd business reacted positively to the fact that the region may again return to Moscow time.

Thus, the director of a mining and processing plant believes that the transition to the UTC +3 time zone for his enterprise has a number of advantages:

– Firstly, it’s better for business, since we work in the same cycle with partners and suppliers. Secondly, almost all of my colleagues spoke in favor of Moscow time, and, as the latest poll showed, their opinion is shared by the majority of Volgograd residents. Also, many of the employees came to us from other regions, so it is more convenient for them to use Moscow time to communicate with their relatives, rather than local time.

Agrarians also advocate for the UTC +3 time zone. Now the regional agro-industrial complex is actively developing, mastering export. To promote products, one has to work closely with foreign and federal organizations.

– It is more convenient to work being in the same time zone as the capital, – says a representative of one of the grain companies in the Volgograd region.

According to an employee of the agrarian business, Moscow time will ensure the stable development of the region.

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