Virologist spoke about the winter plateau for coronavirus in Russia

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Russia is on a winter plateau for COVID-19, it is too early to talk about a victory over the coronavirus. This opinion was expressed by the doctor of medical sciences, virologist Anatoly Altstein on Wednesday, January 13.

“There is, of course, no victory (over the coronavirus – Ed.). We still have a high incidence. <...> This is all our winter plateau, “he said in a conversation with RIA Novosti.

At the same time, on the eve of the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova announced the stabilization of the incidence of coronavirus in Russia. In addition, she stressed that there was a 16% decrease in the number of hospitalized with COVID-19.

Immunologist, specialist in especially dangerous infections Vladislav Zhemchugov also noted that there is a decline in the incidence of coronavirus and suggested that a sharp increase in new cases of COVID-19 is unlikely to occur even after Russians return to work.

Irina Shestakova, President of the International Association of Infection Specialists, said on January 11 that the spread of coronavirus could be stopped if three-quarters of the population were vaccinated in a short time.

Up-to-date information on the situation with coronavirus is available on the websites of stopcoronavirus.rf and access vsem.rf, as well as by the hashtag #WeVotre. Coronavirus hotline: 8 (800) 2000-112.

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