Virologist named a possible date for the peak of coronavirus

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The maximum incidence of COVID-19 will be reached by November 7, but for now the growth will continue and may reach 20 thousand cases per day. This opinion was expressed in an interview with Izvestia by the doctor of medical sciences, virologist Anatoly Alshtein.

“The growth of identified cases, in addition to natural processes, is also associated with the fact that we are gradually increasing the volume of testing. As a result, those who have an infection but have no symptoms are diagnosed and included in the statistics, ”he said.

The virologist believes that it is necessary to remain calm, since the overwhelming number of sick people recover, and children do not tolerate coronavirus infection hard. According to the expert, “this is not a plague before us.”

“Medicine is working to defeat the coronavirus, and generally copes with the task: drugs are being developed, a vaccine is being tested. Humanity is not threatened with death, and neither is our country, ”the doctor concluded.

In the meantime, Alshtein noted, you need to follow the rules of hygiene: wear masks in public places, gloves, maintain social distance, wash your hands and, if possible, go to self-isolation.

Earlier, the virologist of the Gamaleya Center, Professor Viktor Zuev, spoke about the fact that the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection may stabilize by the summer of 2021. According to him, pneumotropic viruses, which include SARS-CoV-2, are afraid of heat. Outbreaks of these diseases begin in late autumn and early spring. Zuev believes there will be significant improvements in July.

October 21, Director of the Center. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Alexander Gintsburg, said that the situation with coronavirus in Russia will become manageable with the help of mass vaccination.

Earlier that day, Gunzburg said that the production of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine by December should amount to about 5-6 million doses per month. According to his forecasts, such a production volume of the drug will make it possible to vaccinate 70% of the country’s population within 10-12 months.

On October 24, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the number of new cases of coronavirus infection in the world again updated the anti-record, 465 322 cases of COVID-19 were recorded per day.

A total of 42 055 863 confirmed cases of the disease on Saturday, the number of deaths is 1 141 567 people. The last anti-record was recorded on October 23, then 445,419 cases of coronavirus infection were detected per day.

The largest number of cases is still recorded in the countries of North and South America. European countries are tightening restrictions amid an increase in the number of cases.

In Russia, on October 24, 1,497,167 cases of coronavirus were detected in 85 regions. Over the entire period, 25,821 deaths were recorded, 1,130,818 people recovered.

All relevant information on the situation with the coronavirus is available on the websites of stopcoronavirus.rf and access vsem.rf, as well as by the hashtag #WeVotte. Coronavirus hotline: 8 (800) 2000-112.

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