Venezuela sentenced American citizens to 20 years in prison

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US citizens Luke Alexander Denman and Ayran Berry, accused of plotting a coup in Venezuela, have been sentenced to 20 years in prison. This was announced by the Attorney General of the Bolivarian Republic Tarek William Saab on Saturday, August 8.

“Luke Denman and Ayran Berry were charged by prosecutors with serious crimes. <...> They admitted their responsibility for the crimes and <...> were sentenced to imprisonment, “Saab wrote in his Twitter

He stressed that the investigation is still ongoing with respect to other persons involved in this case.

In early May, Venezuelan Interior Minister Nestor Reverol announced that the authorities had prevented a naval invasion of Colombian militants in the area of ​​the city of La Guaira in the north of the country with the aim of carrying out a coup and assassinating President Nicolas Maduro.

As a result of this operation, eight of the attackers were killed and two more US citizens – Luke Alexander Denman and Ayran Berry – were taken into custody. Later it is known that Venezuelan law enforcement officers have detained a total of 66 people in this case.

At the same time, American leader Donald Trump and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo denied Washington’s involvement in the failed mercenary operation.

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