Things to consider before buying a Used Laptop

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By admin

In this world of ever-evolving technology, people are shifting to better and cheaper every day. Of course, it is better to spend wise and smart than spend more. People who have a lot of money can afford to buy every new device that is launched but not everyone can. As clear from the name, a laptop can be easily used in your lap, thus offering a high level of mobility. Along with offering benefits for everyone who uses it, laptops are really famous among the business community. With high competition in the marketplace, laptops are still costly enough for an average buyer if someone needs good specs. That is why people are trying to buy old laptops. Explained below some key tips to be kept in mind while purchasing used (second hand) laptops. The first and foremost thing to consider is to figure out the usage of your laptop. You have to know what it is that you need your laptop for.

Decide if you want to use your laptop for your home or for your office. You can either use it for word processing or for project designing. Ranging from email and web surfing to data downloading, from online shopping to e-commerce – it is important to decide if you need a powerful machine or one for average use.

Once you decide the purpose you need it for, you need to look at what best can you get in your budget. Moreover, you should also see that the machine you are purchasing matches your requirements.

Explained are some important points that should be kept in mind while selecting your machine.

LCD Condition

LCD is considered to be one of the key features of a laptop. TFT is a new technology in laptops.

To explain it in simple words, a TFT user can have a clear view even if the screen is viewed from some irregular angle. Whether it is from sideways, top or any angle. The contents are totally visible while in the case of LCD there is a specific angle at which all the contents with genuine colours are visible. Any laptop user can easily check for the changing of colour shades, by changing LCD angle. You should keenly check that there are not any kind of spots even a pin spot in LCD as it is the starting point of LCD damage. In tech language, these pins or block spots are also called Dead Pixel. If there is not anything like this, the LCD of a laptop is good to go.

Laptop Casing

Tech frauds do this all the time. There are a lot of used laptops in the market with broken cases that are repaired at laptop repair shops and then repainted. You must carefully check the laptop body. Do not let the shiny surface of an old laptop make you blind. You should buy a laptop with original colour – dull, instead of a re-painted shiny surface because it will suggest that the laptop is old. One can always get it painted by themselves after purchase if you are so worried about its colour.

Battery Life

It is the most important feature of a laptop. As Laptop is mobile and you can take it anywhere you need, it is important that it has a good battery time for the times you have to take it somewhere. These days laptops have a very good battery time. An average laptop has a battery timing of 90 to 120 minutes. Battery timing is a very common issue in old laptops. It wears out over time when you keep using something for a long time. You should clarify this thing from the vendor and also test a laptop yourself before buying it. Although this depends on the type of application you are using, you should still check it.

Keypad and Touchpad

It is not very time taking to check if the keys of the keypad are working. You must take out five minutes and check if the keypad works properly and all the keys are working fine so that you do not have to suffer afterwards.



These are some of the important things to consider before buying an old laptop. There are various other things to consider but there are some of the basic ones.

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