US Treasury expanded sanctions against Syria

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The US Treasury Department on Wednesday, July 29, expanded the Syrian sanctions list against Syria, adding four people and 10 organizations.

The sanctions were imposed on the son of SAR President Bashar al-Assad Hafez, and also targeted a unit of the first division of the Syrian army, Reuters notes.

On July 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a video summit on Syria with the participation of the presidents of Iran and Turkey, said that US sanctions against Syria are illegal. According to the Russian leader, restrictions only add problems and undermine the economy of this country.

In turn, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, during a telephone conversation with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, noted the negative consequences of illegitimate economic sanctions against Syria by the United States and the European Union, which persist, despite the UN call for easing unilateral restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic.

On June 21, Washington imposed sanctions on 39 individuals and entities in Syria under the so-called Caesar Act. Assad, his wife Asma, sister Bushra and younger brother Maher fell under his influence. The measures will affect everyone who cooperates with them, including Russian and Iranian structures that work in the SAR.

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