US Grants Temporary Extradition Protection to Venezuelan Citizens

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The United States has granted the status of persons temporarily protected from extradition to citizens of Venezuela who are on American territory. This was reported by the Associated Press with reference to a high-ranking official of the US administration.

According to preliminary data, the innovation may affect about 320 people. They are encouraged to apply for a residence permit and work permit for up to 18 months. This decision was made against the backdrop of “emergency circumstances” in Venezuela, which makes it unsafe for these citizens to return home.

It is also reported that we are talking only about those Venezuelans who are in the United States as of March 8. The administration denies that protected status will be granted on a permanent basis. At the same time, the official said that the United States does not intend to abandon sanctions against Venezuela, although over the past four years they have not been crowned with success, since it has not been possible to achieve new elections in the country.

On January 19, the then current President of the United States, Donald Trump, issued a memorandum banning the deportation of Venezuelan citizens or stateless persons who have recently resided in this country from the country for the next year and a half.

Relations between Venezuela and the United States remain tense. This is due to the fact that in January 2019, against the backdrop of protests, opposition leader Juan Guaido proclaimed himself head of state. The United States recognized it as legitimate, and imposed unilateral sanctions against the republic and a number of politicians.

A number of other countries, including Russia, China and Mexico, have supported President Nicolas Maduro.