US authorities ban AstraZeneca vaccine production in Baltimore

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U.S. authorities have banned the production of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine at a plant in Baltimore, where a Johnson & Johnson vaccine error resulted in the loss of 15 million doses. This was reported on April 4 by The New York Times, citing high-ranking sources.

According to the publication, the enterprise of the biotechnology company Emergent BioSolution will be engaged in the production of only one-component vaccine Johnson & Johnson, in order to avoid mixing vaccine ingredients in the future.

It is noted that this decision was made after it became known that Emergent BioSolutions, which cooperates with both companies in the field of production, accidentally mixed the ingredients of two different drugs. This forced regulators to postpone the authorization of the plant’s production lines.

The AstraZeneca company announced that it will work with the US administration to find an alternative production site, writes The New York Times.

On March 31, it was reported that a mistake by employees of a plant in Baltimore led to the loss of 15 million doses of vaccine against coronavirus infection.