United States records nearly 4,500 dead in 24 hours

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The United States largely surpassed its previous record for daily deaths on Tuesday, deploring nearly 4,500 coronavirus deaths in a single day, according to benchmark Johns Hopkins University data.

• Read also: All developments in the COVID-19 pandemic

The country, faced with an outbreak of the epidemic which it has not been able to regain control since the fall, had never yet exceeded the mark of 4,000 deaths in 24 hours.

The United States has, precisely, recorded Tuesday more than 235,000 new contaminations and 4,470 deaths, according to a statement carried out every day at 8:30 pm local by AFP of the figures of the university, updated continuously.

Some 131,000 people are currently hospitalized with COVID-19, according to the COVID Tracking Project, which analyzes data from across the country daily.

The seven-day average of deaths is at a higher since the start of the pandemic, the same source, and they are to be deplored in all regions of the country, with a particularly high increase in the South and West.

Faced with this situation and the appearance of new variants of the virus causing concern, health authorities announced on Tuesday that all travelers wishing to travel to the United States by plane should present, from January 26, a negative test to COVID-19 in order to be authorized to travel.

The country, where restrictions in terms of movement, wearing a mask and open shops vary locally, is ultimately counting on the vaccination campaign, which began in mid-December, to overcome the health crisis.

But so far, only 9.3 million people have received a first injection of one of the two vaccines authorized in the country, less than 3% of the population. According to experts, around 75% of the population would need to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.

In total, the United States has recorded 22.8 million cases and more than 380,000 deaths from the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic.

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