Under pressure from Trump, Pompeo vows to publish controversial Clinton emails

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US Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo, targeted by unusual criticism from Donald Trump, on Friday promised to publish the controversial emails from Democrat Hillary Clinton supposed to prove, according to the presidential camp, that she should be prosecuted.

Asked about the attack by the President of the United States on him, he said on Fox News: “we will get there. We are going to release this information so that the Americans can see it ”.

Asked if he would do it before the November 3 presidential election, Mike Pompeo added: “We are doing it as quickly as possible. I absolutely think that we will see more before the election ”.

Thursday, Donald Trump, late in the polls against Democrat Joe Biden and confined to the White House a week after testing positive for Covid-19, unusually attacked his secretary of state, the one of the few to have escaped public criticism so far.

He deeply lamented that Mike Pompeo failed to come up with anything to incriminate former Democratic Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the emails affair.

These emails “are at the State Department but Mike Pompeo was unable to get them out, which is very unfortunate,” said the president-candidate. “I’m not happy with him about it,” “he runs the State Department, he should get them out,” he hammered.

Hillary Clinton, an unsuccessful White House candidate against Donald Trump in 2016, was criticized for using a private server for part of her correspondence at the State Department, and not the secure government server. In campaign against her, the Republican had not ceased to demand her imprisonment.

After an investigation, the FBI had not retained charges against Hillary Clinton, but had considered that she had been “extremely reckless”.

“Remember, there was confidential information on a private server. It should never have happened, ”said Mike Pompeo on Friday. “Hillary Clinton should never have done that. It was unacceptable behavior, ”he insisted.

An investigation by House Democrats revealed last year that Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, both White House advisers, also used private emails for exchanges. related to their government activity.

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