Ukrainian actress spoke sharply about Kiev’s policy in Donbass

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Kiev has completely discredited itself over the past year and a half with its actions in the Donbass and “motley statements.” Ukrainian actress and TV presenter Snezhana Yegorova was on the air of the Nash TV channel on November 29.

So she commented on the plans of the Ministry of Reintegration of Ukraine on plans to carry out de-communization in Donbass after the return of the region to Kiev’s control.

According to the actress, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has appointed non-professionals to government posts and this has taken on “catastrophic contours.”

Over the past 30 years of independence, Ukraine has become a mutant state that “devours” its own people, Yegorova added. We are talking about those killed during the hostilities in the Donbass, and about those civilians who are deprived of a normal life.

As the actress added, there are generations of children who do not know what it means to live in peace. She also recalled that residents of the Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine are dissatisfied with many actions of the authorities: the closure of Russian-language schools, rewriting of textbooks, interpretation of historical facts. Donbass residents do not want to be a part of Ukraine, she stressed.

On the eve, Elena Panina, a member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, said that US intervention had turned Ukraine into one of the most dependent countries in the world. The results of Washington’s actions were two “Maidans”, a coup in the country in 2014 and a civil war, during which the inhabitants of Donbass became victims of war crimes, she said.

In April 2014, the Ukrainian authorities launched a military operation against the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR, which declared independence after the coup d’etat in Ukraine in February 2014. According to the latest UN data, about 13 thousand people became victims of the conflict.

Kiev has repeatedly accused Russia of interfering in the conflict in Donbass. Russia denies these charges. The settlement issue is being discussed in the TCG and Normandy format.

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