U.S. Senate prepares to consider Trump’s impeachment immediately after Biden’s inauguration

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Consideration of the impeachment of incumbent President Donald Trump in the US Senate may occur immediately after the inauguration of the country’s elected leader Joe Biden. On Thursday, January 15, the newspaper Politico reports.

According to her, consideration of the issue of impeachment under the article “incitement to mutiny” may be scheduled for 13.00 local time (21.00 Moscow time) on January 20, that is, when Trump has already become the former president. Biden’s inauguration is scheduled for this day at 12.00.

According to the newspaper, this could create obstacles to the approval of candidates proposed by Biden for key positions in the cabinet and work on measures to combat the coronavirus.

Earlier, on January 13, the US House of Representatives voted to pass a resolution to impeach Trump on charges of instigating unrest. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signed an article on impeachment of the head of the White House, now the document will be sent to the Senate.

Biden, in turn, expressed the hope that consideration of the impeachment of Trump would not prevent the Senate from working simultaneously on other urgent matters for the country.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already said that the Senate impeachment proceedings against President Trump will not be completed until the inauguration of the elected American leader Joseph Biden on January 20.

On January 6, Trump supporters rioted Washington DC. During the protests, they broke into the Capitol. There were clashes with police, during which dozens of people were injured on both sides. Five people died, including one of the law enforcement officers. The US Congress approved the election of Democrat Joe Biden as President of the United States on January 7.

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