U.S. Embassy Supports Peaceful Protests in Beirut

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By admin

The US Embassy in Beirut supported the right of residents of the Lebanese capital to peaceful protests, but called on the protesters to renounce violence.

The ministry stressed that the Lebanese people “suffered too much,” therefore they deserve leaders who will listen to the people and answer their requests.

“We support their (Lebanese – Ed.) Right to peaceful protest and call on all those involved to avoid violence,” the embassy wrote on Saturday, August 8, in Twitter

On Saturday, thousands of Lebanese rallied in Beirut demanding the resignation of the cabinet and reforms. Demonstrators attempted to storm the ministries of energy, foreign affairs, economy and environment, as well as the building of the Lebanese Banking Association in Beirut.

During the anti-government actions, at least 490 people were injured. It was reported that a member of the Lebanese security forces was killed in the clashes.

The explosion in the port area in the Lebanese capital occurred on 4 August. Detonated 2.7 tons of ammonium nitrate during welding. The facades of dozens of buildings were destroyed and damaged.

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