Thinking of getting a medical surgery or even simply a cosmetic one, but prices are too high where you live? Why not travel somewhere else to get the surgery? Maybe another country? Well, the answer is yes and yes and the country is none other than Turkey. It is one of the major medical tourism destinations in the world right now. You get quality medical treatment and a vacation at the same time. Two for the price of one.
Many clinics offer “all-inclusive” packages but we believe that it is more convenient to book your stay independently without resorting to them so as to have more freedom if you also want to take advantage of visiting the city and maybe shopping. It should also be added that the prices of the interventions already include an overnight stay in hospital for 1 or 2 nights (depending on the specific intervention), drugs, and post-operative kits.
To get a little more specific, let’s go on to list the type of interventions in which Turkey has reached peaks of high quality combined with great convenience:
Table Of Contents
Duration: 1-2 hours in total under general anesthesia
Stay indicated: 7 days (surgery on the first day, check-up after 5 days)
Price: About 2500-2800 euros
Known as a nose job to laymen, it is considered by the American Association of Plastic Surgery as one of the 5 most popular surgeries today, the purpose can be reconstructive due to an injury or simply to improve aesthetics. The goal of rhinoplasty is to modify the morphology of the nose through small refinements of the cartilages or, depending on the case, through the remodeling of the bone structure. Often the intervention also includes a septoplasty, a functional intervention to solve respiratory problems; in this case, it is called rhino-septoplasty.
Hair transplant
Duration: 4-8 hours in total under local anesthesia
Stay indicated: 3 days (intervention on the first day)
Price: About 1500-2000 euros
Certainly in the large sector of medical tourism, hair transplantation is the intervention that has been the driving force, making Turkey the absolute leader in the world.
The factors that have allowed all this are various: the physical proximity to Europe, the ease of entry for foreigners, but above all the high quality of the treatments, due to the use of the latest technologies and the high specialization of the staff. doctor. The development of the sector in the last 10 years has allowed in this way to proliferate the number of clinics and consequently to lower prices to super convenient levels.
The technique that has now established itself as the best is the FUE one, an autotransplantation technique that involves the extraction of individual follicular units from a donor area, which are subsequently grafted into the hairless areas. The results are very natural and the recovery times are very short.
Prices do not vary much based on the amount of follicular units (graft) that need to be transplanted, on average around 3000 grafts, but up to 5000 grafts can be reached in a single session.
Breast augmentation (breast implants)
Duration: 1-2 hours in total under local or general anesthesia
Stay indicated: 7 days (surgery on the first day, check-up after 5 days)
Price: About 2500-3000 euros
Another popular plastic surgery operation. In recent years, considerable progress has been made regarding the quality of breast implants that allow for breast size augmentation.
The breast remodeling sector is not limited only to breast augmentation but lately mastopexy (breast lifting) is increasingly practiced, which allows you to lift the breast without having to resort to the insertion of prostheses. Breast reduction is also quite a requested intervention.
The prices in Turkey allow a saving of about 60-70% compared to the prices charged in Italy, given the use of excellent quality prostheses, such as those of the Mentor or Allergan brand.
Duration: from 1 to 3 hours depending on the areas to be treated
Stay indicated: 7 days
Price: From 1000 to 4000 euros depending on the areas to be treated
The type of cosmetic surgery that has had the highest growth in recent years, so much so that it even surpasses mammoplasty for the number of total operations. It has now become a completely safe operation, although it is still often mistaken for a method of losing weight. In reality, liposuction is not indicated for obese or heavily overweight people, it is an operation that serves to remodel the body by eliminating, through aspirations, the excess adipose tissue localized in some areas.
Depending on the extent of the areas in which you want to intervene, the price of liposuction can vary a lot. Normally we work in the abdominal area but other areas can be added, such as arms, legs, buttocks, up to 6 areas.
A much-requested intervention in Turkey lately is the so-called ” Brazilian butt lift ” which consists of the aspiration of fat from unwanted areas (usually abdomen and back) and simultaneous transfer of this fat in the buttock area, in such a way as to completely remodel the body. The results achieved are often amazing.
Often in addition to liposuction, an abdominoplasty (called a tummy tuck) is also required, a rather complex operation that allows the removal of excess skin in the abdominal area. The price of a lipo combined with a tummy tuck is around 3800 euros.
Duration: About 1-2 hours.
Stay indicated: 7 days.
Price: About 1500-1800 euros
An increasingly requested operation which consists of the removal of the skin and excess fat from the upper and lower eyelids. The so-called transconjunctival blepharoplasty is the one that corrects the defect commonly called “bags under the eyes”. Generally, it takes place under local anesthesia and even if it is considered a rather simple intervention, in reality, it is a delicate operation with prices that in Italy are around 3 thousand euros.
Bariatric surgery
Duration: About 2-3 hours
Stay indicated: 7 days
Price: About 4000 euros
An increasingly widespread operation in recent years thanks to which excellent results are obtained for the treatment of obesity. There are various types of bariatric surgery, including gastric banding and gastric bypass, but the surgery that certainly has the best results is gastrectomy, which reduces the size of the stomach by 80%. This is a more complex type of operation than normal cosmetic surgery and usually requires a hospital stay of 3-4 days. Costs in Turkey are very affordable compared to Italy, about 60% lower.
Myopia reduction operation with laser technique (Prk and Femtolasik)
Duration: 30 minutes
Stay indicated: 3 days
Price: About 1000-1400 euros depending on the technique
In Istanbul there are many clinics specialized in eye treatments, now the operations that allow you to treat the reduction of myopia with laser techniques are widespread, safe, and convenient. The Prk technique is slowly being supplanted by Femtolasik which in addition to being painless has very short recovery times.
Dental care
Dental care is a sector that for many years has contributed to fueling the phenomenon of health tourism. We all know how expensive dental care can be, especially when you have to have large quantities of implants. The price per implant is around 350-450 euros per tooth with ceramic or zirconium crowns, you can choose between various types of implants (Turkish, German, Swiss, Korean material) with slight price differences. With the all-on-4 technique, it is possible to redo an entire arch in a single session.
Savings abroad with the same treatment can be decidedly substantial. There are thousands of modern clinics specialized in this sector in Turkey, not only in Istanbul. Often you can also take advantage of a holiday, perhaps by the SEA or in CAPPADOCIA, to carry out simpler treatments that still allow considerable savings compared to Italy.