Dog Treats: A complete guide

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What are dog treats?

Dog treats are a tool for owners during training, as it is our way of rewarding a job well done. And for our dogs they are a delicacy that awakens in them an extreme dose of happiness. 

Dog treats help us communicate with our dog and reinforce both the dog-human bond and positive behavior. However, you have to know how to distinguish when it is a good time to give a sweet, the types that we find and if they are good or not for them. 

Is it good to give my dog ​​treats?

It all depends on the situation. Although they are designed for them, it is preferable not to abuse as they may not be nutritionally complete and very caloric. If we give treats in excess, we can predispose our dog to gain weight. A fact, that will have consequences in the form of diet for our dog taking into account its size and weight. 

Therefore, it is good to give your dog treats since it will be a very positive stimulus for him. With control, without replacing the daily food and knowing what are the appropriate dog treats. In addition, we must not forget that not only treats should constitute positive reinforcement towards our dog, but we must also include play, caresses and pleasant gestures. 

What treats can I give my dog?

The types of dog treats are very varied so, if your dog is something of a gourmet, the options are many. Dog treats can be grouped into four groups: standard cookies and treats, natural treats, homemade treats and dental treats. If you wonder what treats you can give your dog. Keep reading.

  1. Standard treats

By standard dog treats we mean commercial biscuits, sweets and / or bars that we find in bags or boxes in pet stores. Although some are designed for specific conditions : for example treats for puppies rich in calcium, or light treats that are low in fat and calories for overweight dogs, and so on.

Most have a common composition and contain preservatives, flavorings and other additives that make them suitable for our dogs. They are the most used since they are the cheapest, we find a lot of variety and dogs tend to love them. 

  1. Natural sweets

Currently, the consciousness is changing and we are looking for healthier and more natural products for ourselves and, why not look for the same for our dogs? Natural dog treats are intended for dogs from a carnivore point of view. They focus on mimicking their diet in the most natural way possible, as would their cousins, the wolves.

In this group we find products, normally dehydrated (to make their conservation easier), which are meat pieces from other animals. For example, we find poultry breast, herbivore’s lung, pig’s ear, deer antlers, fish, gizzards … We can also find non-meat products, such as fruits and vegetables prepared without any additive that will also mean a delight.

For dogs it is a delicacy and we will be looking at their diet, taking into account their own nature. They also favor your dental health, since they are designed for the way you bite and chew, favoring tooth wear. They are a perfect option, although somewhat more expensive than standard treats, but much more enriching. 

  1. Homemade treats

Homemade dog treats are surely the cheapest option, but the most laborious. We ourselves at home can prepare the treats for dogs and the options are many. It is enough with pieces of fruit or vegetables, for example, apple or carrot cut into small portions. Also pieces of meat (it is recommended that it be cooked so that it is totally safe for our dog) for example grilled chicken or turkey breast (avoid oil, salt or spices). Zucchini, asparagus, etc. There are a lot of possibilities!

Check with your vet, as some foods can be harmful and dogs should not eat them. A professional will know how to advise you. Here we leave you the list of prohibited foods for dogs. 

  1. Dental treats

These are usually bars specifically designed for your dog’s dental health. They are specially designed to remove plaque and dirt from between teeth and reduce tartar. In addition, many have ingredients to combat halitosis (bad breath) so, apart from being delicious; they will help the hygiene of your mouth.

In this case, the treats would not be so much a reward or reward for positive behavior, because they are larger in size, but rather a daily stimulus that you can use in different situations. For example, a daily dental bar is usually recommended so a good time to give it to him would be when you have to go to work and he will be home alone.

Treats for dogs are good for them if they are administered with control, at the right time and if they are treats that guarantee to be healthy for our friend, that is, of good quality. We must also remember that they do not replace daily food, but they can complement it, since many, in addition to being succulent, can present benefits for our animal (favoring dental and coat health, for example). 

Find the option that best suits your dog (size, breed, age, physical and / or pathological condition, etc.) and the one that is most delicious for him, you will make your furry companion very happy!

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