Tverskoy dancer told how he carries coronavirus

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The famous Tver dancer Arsen Agamalyan fell ill with coronavirus and told how the disease proceeds. He reported the infection on December 23 in his social networks.

The disease has been going on for the sixth day. On Wednesday, the artist reported a high temperature of 38-39 degrees and poor health, complained of a severe cough, pain in the lungs. Arsen also said that he took precautions, wore protective equipment, but relaxed last week and was then diagnosed with the disease.

– You do not need to be ill with this. It may happen that those who “only had 37” or “didn’t even feel” are not you, the dancer said.

Note that, according to the glories of Arsen, his wife Oksana Vasilyeva and their little son are doing well, they are healthy. Finally, the artist urged his friends and fans to take care of themselves and not relax.

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