Turkmenistan-West Germany: IX Turkmen-German Health Forum

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On January 21, the 9th Turkmen-German Health Forum, held this year in the format of an online teleconference, began its work at the International Scientific and Training Center of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry.

The current teleconference brought together well-known scientists-professors of the Grosshadern clinic of Munich University and leaders and representatives of Turkmen state structures, scientific and clinical centers, Turkmen State Medical University, as well as departments of regional and capital structures of the healthcare system.

Special attention during the current online meeting was paid to issues of urology and gynecology, including pediatric ones. Reports were presented covering the state of the above-mentioned areas of medicine in Turkmenistan and Germany, preventive activities, modern solutions and features of personnel training. Along with this, such topics as measures of urological screening from birth to old age are considered; pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of recurrent kidney disease; malignant neoplasms in men (carcinoma): diagnosis and treatment, etc. German scientists shared their experience and talked about the results of using new methods of treatment.

Thus, as a result of a bilateral exchange of experience, new methods of diagnostics, treatment, and surgical intervention with minimal trauma were introduced into the medical practice of Turkmen clinics. With the participation of professors from leading clinics in Germany, scientific and practical conferences and training seminars for Turkmen doctors, advanced training courses are regularly held.

On the second day of the forum, issues of preventive medicine in high-risk pregnancies, infectious diseases during pregnancy, preventive measures for gynecological diseases and others were considered.

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