Turkey offers Lebanon to rebuild destroyed port

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Turkey is ready to rebuild the explosion-damaged port in Beirut and has offered Lebanon to temporarily use its port in Mersin. This was announced on Saturday, August 8, by Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay during a press conference.

“[На встрече с президентом Ливана Мишелем Ауном] we noted that Turkey is ready to the end to restore the Lebanese port of Beirut, which was very seriously damaged [взрывами]”, – quoted by TRT Haber.

Oktay also said that Lebanon was given the opportunity to use the Turkish port in Mersin before the reconstruction of the destroyed port.

In addition, Turkish search and rescue teams continue to operate in Beirut. To date, Ankara has sent 400 tons of food and medical aid to Lebanon.

The authorities of the USA, Israel, Russia, Great Britain, Kuwait, Germany, as well as the leadership of the European Union also announced their intention to help Lebanon.

In particular, after the disaster, Russia sent five humanitarian aid planes to Lebanon. In addition, employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry arrived in Beirut to help in the fight against the consequences of the emergency and to deploy mobile hospitals.

Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani has allocated 50 million riyals ($ 13.7 million) to help victims of the explosion in the port of Beirut. A detachment of doctors and medical equipment were sent from France to the Lebanese capital. Three US humanitarian aid planes also arrived in Beirut.

An explosion took place in the port of Beirut on 4 August. Killed, according to the latest data, 154 people and more than 5 thousand were injured. Prime Minister Hassan Diab stated that the explosion was caused by improper storage of 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate in a warehouse in the port.

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