Tucker responds to Chelsea Clinton’s call for show’s censorship: We were asking ‘super obvious questions’

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Fox News host Tucker Carlson responded to Chelsea Clinton’s call for Facebook to shut down his show “Tucker Carlson Tonight” because he questioned why vaccinated individuals must remain adherent to COVID-19 restrictions.

CARLSON: Internationally renowned humanitarian and intellectual Chelsea Clinton has had about enough of this show, so she called today for Facebook to shut us down. 

Dr. Chelsea Clinton is mad that we asked super obvious questions that everyone in the country should be asking. But no one seems particularly angry to learn the people running this operation are total buffoons who can’t even coordinate their own talking points and can’t answer the most basic questions. So does the vaccine, and there are a couple of them, but do they work or don’t they work? It is okay, you can tell us. Well, the CEO of Pfizer came out and seemed to suggest today that actually, the dose that Pfizer is administering doesn’t work. The CEO of Pfizer now said two doses probably aren’t enough. He said it is “Likely that people will need a third dose” of his company’s coronavirus vaccine within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated. I guess it is nice to know that now. We didn’t know that yesterday. When Chelsea Clinton was trying to pull us off the air for asking questions that he partly answered. Thank you, CEO of Pfizer, glad to know. The CEO of Pfizer added it is possible people need to get vaccinated against coronavirus every year. Well, that is good to know, too.


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