Trump’s sabotage

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Donald Trump has embarked on a business of sabotaging the American election. As a result, he sabotages democracy and the United States. No one with a minimum of knowledge of the American elections can believe his fable about legal and illegal votes.

But Trump claims the Democrats are stealing his election. He wants to go to the Supreme Court. Trump is also sabotaging the presidency of Joe Biden who will find it difficult to govern Republicans who believe he is not the real president of the United States.

1. Could violence arise?

Under Donald Trump, the violence increased. Last Wednesday in Portland, hundreds of people armed with assault rifles marched through the streets. These were leftist activists who did not want Trump in power. In Alabama, a police captain is under investigation for blasting on social media that every Biden supporter should be “shot in the head” for “treason.” Steve Bannon, the former Trump adviser, has just been blocked for life from Twitter for writing that Dr Antonio Fauci should be beheaded. A civil war is still far away. But Biden will likely have to contend with an increasingly violent society.

2. What is Donald Trump’s future?

Judges should refuse to consider mail-in and advance polls to be illegal or that the election is fraudulent. Trump will step down as president. But what will he do next? If he doesn’t end up in jail, he’ll want to keep spreading the news every day. It would not be surprising if he began a campaign to be elected president in 2024. Trump not only risks not cooperating in the transition, but also frequently intervenes against Biden.

3. How will the Republican Party treat Trump?

Trump wields a guru’s grip over many Republican voters. Neglecting Trump risks being dangerous for elected Republican officials. However, Trump led them to defeat. He could do it again. But Trump has already threatened Republicans with creating his own political party. Unless a strong leader is found who can oppose Trump or members of his family who would like to be presidential candidates, the Republican Party risks remaining in the hands of the Trumpists. How could Biden cooperate with such extremist people?

4. How could Biden rule with a Republican Senate?

Biden has many networks inside the Republican Party, but it will be very difficult for him to maneuver. As usual, after opening the financial floodgates for a Republican president, Republicans will suddenly find all kinds of excuses to deny money to a Democratic president. With Trump’s family reportedly trying to pull the strings from behind the scenes, cooperation between Democrats and Republicans would be even more difficult. Without a Democratic Senate, Biden will be unable to carry out his electoral platform. It could even be that Republicans cripple appointments to key positions on the pretext that Biden is illegitimate.

5. How would Biden govern?

Biden would be forced to rule by decree. This is little to face the pandemic, the rise of China, the violence in the United States or to undertake the necessary transition to a green economy. Biden risks appearing weak and incompetent. This is exactly what Trump and the Republicans are looking for.

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