Trump Staff Accused Debate Commission of Bias

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Bill Stepin, campaign manager for US President Donald Trump, accused the Commission on Presidential Television Debates (CPD) of bias against the head of state.

So, he criticized the changes in the format of the next televised debate, which was proposed by the headquarters of the Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

In particular, it was proposed to allow speakers to deliver opening and closing speeches, as well as to allow the moderator to ask questions of specific candidates and mute participants’ microphones.

“I sincerely hope that (CPD – Ed.) Members will leave their anti-Trump beliefs at the door,” Bloobmerg quoted him as saying on Thursday, October 1.

However, senior campaign advisor Jason Miller has confirmed that Trump will participate in the next rounds of debate with Biden, regardless of whether the rules are changed or not.

As for Trump himself, on Thursday at Twitter he posted in a post in which he stated that he would not accept the change in the format of the debate.

“Why should I let the Debate Commission change the rules for the second and third debates when I won easily the last time?” The American leader asked.

The first face-to-face debate between Trump and Biden took place on September 29 in Cleveland and lasted just over an hour and a half. The Republican several times prevented his opponent from finishing phrases, because of which the latter asked him to “shut up.”

Biden also called Trump “the worst president in history” and “the puppy of (Russian President Vladimir) Putin”, and the American president expressed doubts about the intellectual abilities of a rival.

On September 30, the Presidential Debate Commission announced a change in the format of the debate and “ensure a more orderly discussion of issues.”

The second debate will be held on October 15, the third on October 22. The presidential elections are scheduled for November 3.

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