Trump Signs Decrees to Fight TikTok and WeChat Threats

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US President Donald Trump signed the Anti-Threat Decrees on August 6, allegedly from the Chinese apps WeChat and TikTok.

According to the documents, any transactions in the American jurisdiction with the Chinese companies ByteDance and Tencent, the owners of the applications, must be terminated within 45 days.

In the decrees, TikTok and WeChat are identified as a threat to US national security, economy and politics.

The US administration has accused the apps of collecting user data, including location and search history.

“This potentially allows China to track the location of federal employees and contract workers, create dossiers of personal information for blackmail, and conduct industrial espionage,” the decree says.

Trump also accused the app of censoring content.

On August 3, the President of the United States announced that Microsoft or another American company must buy TikTok by September 15, otherwise the application will be banned in the country.

According to media reports, Microsoft is in talks but is not ready to pay more than $ 30 billion, while China’s ByteDance estimates the application at $ 50 billion.

TikTok is a service for creating and watching short videos. WeChat is a program that combines instant messenger, social network and electronic payment system.

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