Trump said that the quarantine against COVID is worse than the coronavirus itself

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US President Donald Trump believes that the quarantine measures introduced in several states to combat the spread of coronavirus are worse than COVID-19 itself.

“Quarantines in states run by Democrats are completely ruining the lives of many people. This is much worse than the damage caused by the Chinese virus itself, “Trump wrote in Twitter

The number of infected in California has increased despite quarantine, the American leader said. Meanwhile, Florida and other states have not been quarantined and are “doing well,” Trump added.

In mid-November, California suspended the lifting of restrictions that were introduced due to the pandemic. State authorities have suspended full resumption of a number of businesses and schools. In many counties, from mid-December, it is prohibited to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary.

In total, more than 18.8 million cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in the United States, 330,678 people died. In California, more than 2 million people were infected with the coronavirus and 23991 died.

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