Trump questioned the possibility of an attack in Beirut

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US President Donald Trump on August 5 said that there was no exact information about the cause of the explosion in the port of Beirut.

The day before, he said that a number of American generals are sure that a bomb could have been detonated in the Lebanese capital.

“Whatever happens there is terrible. But they don’t really know what it is. Nobody knows yet, “Trump said at a press conference at the White House.

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said the United States does not rule out an attack in Beirut, but an assessment is still underway.

In turn, unnamed Pentagon sources told CNN that if the US military had the relevant data, the US authorities would take immediate action to protect their contingent in Lebanon and property in the region, and no such decrees have been issued.

According to the official version of the Lebanese authorities, the explosion was caused by improper storage in a warehouse in the port of ammonium nitrate weighing 2,750 tons. Russian experts are also confident that there was an explosion typical of warehouses.

The explosion in the area of ​​the seaport of Beirut occurred on 4 August. 137 people died, about 5 thousand were injured. The facades of several buildings located in the immediate vicinity of the site of the emergency collapsed, houses and offices were damaged. As a result of the incident, about 300 thousand people were left homeless.

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