Trump opposed to changing the rules of debates

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US President Donald Trump said Thursday he was opposed to a change in the rules for his next debates with Joe Biden, after a chaotic first televised duel.

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The commission responsible for organizing the electoral debates in the United States announced Wednesday the implementation of additional measures to “maintain order” during the next two face-to-face meetings between the candidates for the White House.

“Why would I allow the Debates Committee to change the rules for the second and third debates when I easily won the first?” », Tweeted the US president.

The tenant of the White House insists – without concrete evidence to support it – that he emerged as the winner of his clash with his Democratic rival.

“I largely won the debate, according to a compilation of polls, etc. “, He launched on his favorite social network, without further explanation on” et cætera “.

Despite his repeated attempts, Chris Wallace, veteran Fox News presenter, could not prevent the debate between the two septuagenarian candidates from turning to cacophony.

“I’m just saddened by the way the evening went,” he admitted in an interview with The New York Times. “I never thought it would go off the rails that way.”

The other two presidential debates are scheduled for October 15 and 22, respectively in Miami, Florida, and Nashville, Tennessee.

Republican Vice President Mike Pence will face Joe Biden’s running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, on October 7 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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