Trump found culprit in the increase in the number of unemployed in the United States

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US President Donald Trump has declared China to be the culprit of the country’s unemployment. He wrote about this on Friday, July 31st on his Twitter page.

According to the head of the White House, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer blocked unemployment payments and, as Trump notes, this is “terrible”, especially since “they fully understand that it is not the workers’ fault that they are unemployed, it is China’s fault! “

The chairman of the US Federal Reserve System (FRS), which serves as the country’s central bank, Jerome Powell said on July 29 that 22 million Americans lost their jobs in March and April as a result of strict restrictive measures to combat coronavirus, about a third of them have been able to find a new one since May. … According to the head of the Federal Reserve, the unemployment rate in the United States is 11.1%, which is much higher than before the outbreak of infection and during the 2008 global financial crisis.

As a protest against racism and social inequality under the motto “Strike for Black Lives” took place on July 20 in New York and other cities of the United States, protesters demanded that the head of state sign the bill approved by Congress to extend the benefits of black unemployment, as well as increase the minimum wage in the country.

Trump has previously repeatedly said that he considers China to be responsible for the beginning of the epidemic. Washington accuses Beijing of hiding information about the origin of the virus and the extent of the spread of the infection. So on July 1, the US President said that the spread of coronavirus in the world is the reason for his growing anger towards China.

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