Trump campaign to host nightly recap of Democratic Convention to highlight ‘radical socialism’ of the left

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EXCLUSIVE: The Trump campaign will host a nightly recap of the Democratic National Convention, as part of its rapid response efforts and counter-programming, which they say will highlight the “radical socialism” of the left, Fox News has learned.

A Trump campaign official told Fox News on Sunday that the campaign, in response to nightly Democratic Convention programming, will launch “The Real Joe Biden,” a recap of the Democrats’ nightly events.


The rebuttal, which will include panels and commentary from Team Trump, will take place at 11p.m. each night.

An official told Fox News that the nightly show will “break down everything Team Trump saw throughout the night.”

“The radical, leftist takeover of Joe Biden is complete and Team Trump will be exposing that truth with nightly programming,” Ali Pardo, Deputy Communications Director for the Trump Campaign, told Fox News Sunday.“Democrats won’t be honest about Biden at their convention, so we will be.”

Pardo added: “Joe Biden will raise taxes by $4 trillion, give work permits to illegal aliens so they can compete for American jobs, and impose the job-killing Green New Deal on every person in this country.”

The first live broadcast will be hosted by senior adviser Mercedes Schlapp and 2020 Strategic Adviser Boris Epshteyn, and will feature guests including GOP National Spokeswoman Liz Harrington, Trump campaign senior adviser Steve Cortes, and President of Citizens United David Bossie.

Fox News has also learned that the Trump War Room and rapid response teams will be responding in real time throughout the Democratic Convention.

The Trump campaign’s efforts come as they attempt to “outshine” the Democrats during their convention week.

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told Fox News Friday that Republicans have a “multi-pronged response.”


Trump Victory, the joint field effort between the RNC and the Trump Campaign, are planning more than 2,500 events in battleground states across the country next week, including the Trump Victory Leadership Initiative, trainings on voter contact and voter registration, MAGA meet-ups, watch parties and other volunteer events.

The president will campaign in key general election battleground states next week, holding events in Minnesota and Wisconsin on Monday and Arizona on Tuesday.

While the Trump campaign has not announced the president’s travel for next Thursday, campaign officials confirmed to Fox News that Trump is expected to visit Scranton, Pa. – the city where Biden was born and spent his early years. The trip should come hours before Biden is scheduled to give his presidential nomination acceptance address, which will be the biggest speech of his half-century career in politics.

To kick off the DNC’s week, the RNC said they launched, a website designed to “expose Joe Biden’s disastrous record, hypocrisy, and flawed vision for America.”

“It’s going to be a big week for Republicans, and we’ll outline the DNC during their convention, just to head into our convention, which will be really exciting,” she said.

The Democratic National Committee announced that their convention will be largely virtual, and will be anchored in Milwaukee, from Monday, Aug. 17 through 20.

The DNC will bring in four nights of headliners to speak during its two-hour programming window. In addition, each night will showcase a particular theme aimed at highlighting Biden’s strengths and Trump’s weaknesses. Monday’s will be “We the People,” Tuesday’s will be “Leadership Matters,” Wednesday’s will be “A More Perfect Union” and Thursday’s will be “America’s Promise.”

The Democratic National Committee has announced that the convention will kick off Monday with speakers including Biden’s primary opponents Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, former first lady Michelle Obama and former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a staunch critic of President Trump who ran against him in the 2016 primary race.

Former President Bill Clinton, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., former acting attorney general Sally Yates, former secretary of state John Kerry, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, and other prominent Democrats are expected to headline the convention this week.

Meanwhile, the GOP convention is slated to take place from Aug. 24 through Aug. 27. The theme of the convention will be “Honoring the Great American Story.”

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