Trump accuses his opponents of endangering lives

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WASHINGTON | Donald Trump, who reiterated that a vaccine against COVID-19 could be available before the November 3 election, accused Democratic White House candidate Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris on Monday of developing a ” irresponsible anti-vaccine rhetoric ”.

• Read also: In America on edge, Biden and Trump enter final campaign phase

• Read also: All developments in the COVID-19 pandemic

Last week, vice-president candidate Kamala Harris explained that she would not “believe” the president’s only word if a vaccine against the new coronavirus was available before the presidential election.

“It should be a credible source of information that would talk about the effectiveness and reliability” of the vaccine, she explained.

Joe Biden, for his part, explained on Monday that he would like to “see what scientists say about it”. “I want full transparency on this vaccine,” he added, accusing the Republican billionaire of “undermining public confidence” by politicizing public health issues.

But, “if I could have a vaccine tomorrow, I would.” Even if it costs me the election, I would, ”he said again.

An “irresponsible anti-vaccine rhetoric”, which “endangers lives” and “discredits science,” thundered Donald Trump, who defended himself at a press conference at the White House from making the vaccine a campaign argument.

“What they say is very dangerous for our country. The vaccine will be very safe and very effective, ”he added, once again hinting at the possibility that it would be available“ before a very special day ”, the November 3 election.

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