Truck driver in Karelia broke his jaw for speeding

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A 43-year-old resident of Prionezhye contacted the police and was severely beaten. It all started when a suspicious pedestrian threw empty buckets under the wheels of a truck driver. According to the aggressive man, he exceeded the speed limit in the village.

The affair did not end with a verbal squabble: an angry stranger called a 44-year-old previously convicted friend in support, they sat down on the driver’s tail to teach a lesson. The persecutors were extremely unfriendly. The driver even had to fire a signal pistol into the air. However, it didn’t help.

The men followed him to his destination. Then the resident of Petrozavodsk, whose life had already complicated his criminal record, broke the jaw of the truck driver, after which he lost consciousness. The diagnosis was made already at the medical facility.

A criminal case was initiated.

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